Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hymn for the Missing

Hello all... Sorry it has been so long. I know I've said this a million times, but I'm seriously planning on trying to make more posts. I wasn't going to post this yet, because for some odd reason the facebook page for this is down, and I had said I wasn't going to make another post until this was working again... But God laid this on my heart, and I don't really need a facebook page to post. It is mostly for reaching out to more people. Anyways, I'm rambling and keeping you from reading. Please do enjoy, and have a blessed week.
-Isabella Esther

This blog post is inspired by a favorite song of mine. It is called “Hymn for the Missing” and it is by Red. From what I think, the song is about God missing all his children who have wandered off on their own... Away from him.
Many of us -without trying to- walk away from God. Become distant, and far off. We assume that God is angry with us, and won’t help us any longer. We think that God is so furious that he will not take us back, and that he is going to or already is punishing us.
None of that is true. God is not an angry God. Yes, he is quite intimidating as he should be, but haven’t you ever heard the saying “gentle giant”?
However, I am not saying that God is not mighty, or powerful... Because he is. If he wanted to, he force us all to love him. He could destroy us all at any moment, and have us all bowing down and kissing his glorious feet. But, God is love, and he loves us so much he lets us go. He gives us free will.
That is where an answer to a commonly asked question comes in. People always ask, and even I myself have asked, “Why does God let bad things happen?” Well, the answer is simple. Because he loves us.
He loves us so much that he gave us free will. That is where the saying “If you love someone you must let them go” comes from. God wants us to chose weather or not we love him. He wants us to decide if we bow down to him or not. He is a loving God. Not a forceful one. Bad things happen because those who have not yet come to him make bad choices, and consequences come with those bad choices.
Like I always say now, “There is no such thing as bad people, just bad choices” and that is a saying I often have to remind myself of. Sometimes I feel like a horrible person. I couldn't imagine how God could forgive me.
Maybe your sitting there saying, “But, I have an addiction that I’ve struggled with for years upon years! I’ve told God a thousand times I wouldn’t do that anymore! By not obeying I’m hurting him. Over and over. I wouldn’t forgive someone else if they hurt me, or broke my trust that many times!”
But, what if that person who was hurting you so much was your own little child, whom you loved more than anything or anything in the whole world? Would you just say, “Oh, too bad for you. You messed up too many times, I don’t love you anymore”? I know I could never imagine saying that to a little child if I had one.
“Oh, but I’m an adult. I should know better” You may reply... Yes, true you are an adult, and do not get me wrong, we should strive to do good and not sin... I’m not making up excuses for you. But, to God, you are a small child. We are all his children. And no matter what, he loves us forever and always. Nothing we do can break his love.
God doesn’t want to see us hurting. God doesn’t want to see us burn in the pits of hell. When we’re in trouble, or have gotten ourselves into something too deep, God is extending his loving arms open and reaching for us saying, “I love you so much, dear child, that I died for your sins so I could live in your heart and you could be forgiven. Let me in, please.” It's never too late to let God in. No matter what you have done, God wants you, and is waiting for you to except him into your heart.
Now, maybe you are sure of God’s love, and you have no doubts of the fact that he loves you. But I encourage you to still get something out of this blog post. There are many people out there, hurting, crying, and longing for some hope. They need to hear the Lord’s good news, but have never had someone to kindly share it with them.
Maybe they don’t believe in God’s love because no one has shown them love. Maybe they think, “Well, no one else loves me, why should God?”. Maybe, you could be the light within their darkness. Maybe you could bring them to Christ, simply by being an example, and sharing your love, to show them His love.
Have any questions? Concerns? Opinions? Just comment, or email me at 4dagloryofgod@gmail.com !

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Making Time For God

Hello all... Hopefully I still have you as readers. I did not keep my word when I said I would be posting soon on my last entry. But, I am posting today, and plan on posting on a hopefully regular basis.

Today, my post is inspired by what I learned in a book that I got for Christmas. It is an amazing book, and I highly recommend it. It is A Young Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George.... And is basically a teen's a guide to Friends, Faith, Family, and the Future.

Anyways, here is my post :)


Luke 10:38 is a short story about the importance of setting aside time to just listen to the Lord, and not worry about all the other activities, or duties. 
  Jesus came to stay in Martha and her little sister Mary's house, and Martha became so overwhelmed with all the preparations that she lashed out towards her sister in frustration, and she even lashed out at Jesus himself!
  Martha felt weary run-down, and annoyed by everything and everyone around her... And eventually couldn't stand it anymore, so finally she was so annoyed by her sister -- who was just sitting and listening to Jesus-- that she spoke up, and basically said, "Why do you care so much about my lazy sister who is leaving me to do all of the work?"
  And Jesus replied something along the lines of, "Martha, Martha... Mary is not being lazy, she is doing something that cannot be taken away from her. She is doing what all should... What is right, and needed."
  And there is the end of that story. Basically, what this story illustrates is that we all need to take time from our busy lives, and just listen, and be silent in the Lord's presence... Because, 
              1. It is what the Lord wants us to do.
              2. It will help you grow closer to Him,
       And 3. If you do not, you can become very run-down. 
  So, maybe after reading your Bible, praising the Lord, or or Praying... You could try just being quiet and focusing on God for a while. Who knows, he might even speak to you! And that is something no-one wants to miss out on.

God Bless You, and Have a Wonderful Week!

Monday, November 29, 2010

I am Truly Sorry For Not Posting in So Long

Dear All of My Readers,
I deeply apologize for not posting in so long.
Some of it is because of lazyness, some of it is because of some of the stuff I have been going through lately, and some of it is because of being busy. I am sincerely sorry for not updating the blog in so long, but I will be updating again very soon. Possibly tomorrow, but no promises. I do really want to get one up tomorrow.
Once again, I am truly sorry, and I hope you all have not forgotten about me!
God Bless you,
Isabella Esther