Monday, May 24, 2010

We Make Mistakes, We Are Not Mistakes.

Sometimes we all feel like we're not special, we're not needed, and like no-one really cares about us. Now a days, that seems like one of Satan's favorite lies to tell, and I know he's tried it more than once on me, and and some friends of mine... I'm sure he's tried it on everyone at one time!
Sometimes, I feel as big as a grain of sand. Like I don't matter, like no-one hears me, or cares to hear me. Like everyone just pretends to be my friend, and like I'm not forgiven of past sin and I can't do anything right... But none of that is true. For anyone. We were all put here for a reason, And God loves us. Always.
And in a lot of the different books of the bible it proves it. In Genesis, where God made the first humans and the rest of the world.... In Luke, where God gave his only son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross to forgive us for out sins, and in Revelation where Jesus told us he would return someday. Some other books of the bible I like to turn to when I'm upset are Psalms, and Isaiah.
God loves us... He truly does. Satan will lie to you again and again telling you that you're worthless... That no one loves you. That you're never going to get anything right, and that the world would be better off with out you because you are just one big mistake. But that is not true at all. It is all lies. Everyone was put here for a reason. Everyone has a purpose, and we're all going to make mistakes... And we can learn from them.
When your feeling down and depressed, pray, and ask someone you know and trust to pray for you too. Never hurt yourself. Death, drugs or pain is not the answer, and never will be.
Maybe you are saying, "But, I have been praying, but nothing is happening!" Well, sometimes it takes time. God always has a reason and plan for everything. One thing I learned is that God let's us go through stuff because we may be able to help others who go through the same things, only they don't know the truth... Or maybe they did, but needed to be reminded of it.... To be reminded Jesus does love them, that they are beautiful creations of God, that they can do things right, and that they are in fact not a mistake.


  1. I luv your blog! U really make me think.

  2. I have a question: Why do you have such a good blog about Christian struggles and other related topics, but you really like a book and movie series that is completely against God and everything Christians stand for?

    P.S. I love Skillet, Owl City, TFK, and Hawk Nelson. Red and Relient K are OK. I've never heard any Falling Up. I'm not allowed to listen to anything but Christian music, so I don't like Rascall Flatts or Taylor Swift.

  3. Thank you for your comments, it's all for the glory of God... And I am sorry it took me so long to reply I have just got back from a Christian Camp.
    That was a good question that alot of people struggle with, Christian....
    I personally don't think it is bad to read stuff like Twilight... I have not seen anything in the bible yet that says it is bad to read fiction. I believe it all depends on how mature you are in your Faith, and how well you are able to separate make believe from reality. Plus,nowhere in the series do they say anything bad about God, and you can get something uplifting out of the series as well. Some of the things that the characters have struggles with are undertones of real life things that people go through and deal with.
    If the book had nothing good in it what-so-ever, and bashed God, I would not of read it.
    Thank you for your question though, it was a good one.

    p.s. Rascal Flatts, has some Christian songs, they are just labelled as Country ((I hate lables, I will have a post about them soon.)) But their song, "He's Not The Leavin' Kind" by them is infact about Jesus.


Have any questions, comments, requests, or thoughts you'd like to share? Please do!